I spent this morning - yes, all of it - making a very intricate and ornate motif. I spent lunchtime - some of it - pulling it apart. All designers out there know exactly what I'm talking about - 'tis for such reasons we use Fireline and KO thread, it can be used again once you realise the amazing design you just created is in fact, crap.
My mistake in this case, and many others, is that I ignored Nina's looks of disdain at my choice of colour. I finally caved in, as I said, at lunchtime, around one o' clock.................this makes Nina the 'One 'o Clock Muse'. I worked hard for that joke.....................and it turned out very much like this morning's design, good on paper, but no good in reality!
I have redeemed myself though this afternoon, substituting sparkle for colour - never fails! I'm thinking of taking up stamp collecting.
You're a riot!